Collection of Smiles


Recently a friend made this remark: “It’s convenient that Pattaya is so close to Thailand.”  What I think he meant to say is that Pattaya no more represents all of Thailand any more than Las Vegas represents all of the US.  Whether you are a sex tourist, beach tourist, backpacker, or tour-group tourist, it would be a mistake to make presumptions about Thailand based on tourist destinations.  So, what is the real Thailand?  Perhaps the following photos will reveal to you a Thailand that is visible when you penetrate to the levels a tourist never sees.  Some of the pictures are mine, some are repeats, and some belong to others.  They are about food, dogs, and mostly about a lot of smiles in the Land of Smiles.

Thai people love to have fun.  As far as they are concerned, if it isn’t fun it isn’t worth doing.  Here’s Aoy, who runs a restaurant and coffee shop in Mae Fak.  She has an important message for everyone:  “There’s more than one way to eat an Oreo, even in Thailand.”
  Coffee has become big business in Thailand.  And while Starbucks in the US may have some of the worst coffee in the world, Starbucks in Thailand uses Thai coffee beans. 
But a word of caution:  Thai coffee is good, but it's strong!
So, young man, what do you think of Starbucks coffee?
  This man is smiling because he just got off work and is drinking an ice cold beer, pronounced bee-ya.
This woman is smiling because her husband (the guy in the previous photo) just left the job site, and so now she can get some work done.  She's constructing a statue of Buddha.
Here’s a Thai family on their way someplace.. fast.
Alternate transportation
Re-fueling the alternate transportation.
Washing the alternate transportation.

If you are looking for a quiet destination, Thailand may not be the best place for you.  This woman has found the perfect solution to noise pollution.

Thai’s love to have their picture taken, but the young man above was reluctant because he wasn’t in the best of spirits, or so he said.  He had just lost another tooth.  “Where?” I asked.  “Here” he answered.  Click.
Thailand is The Land of Smiles.  Can you guess why?  Here are some more smile pictures.


Perhaps one reason Thai's smile so much is because of the abundance of food.

If you love to try new foods then you will really love it here.  Thai’s love to eat.

These crickets are smiling because they are still alive.  Note the air holes in the bag.

These crickets are not smiling, but you can bet there will be a smile on someone’s face as they eat their protein and veggies. 

Yep, those are what you think they are, and you can buy them by the kilo.
You might be  thinking, “what a horrible picture of a pig’s head!”  But you would be looking at the wrong thing.  Take a look at the brown stuff.  Does it look like liver?  Chocolate pudding?  Would you believe…boiled chicken blood?  No, I’m not kidding.  (and you call yourself a foodie!)
This man is smiling because he “skipped” the main course and went straight to dessert.
Dessert… on the right we have sticky rice with coconut, and on the left is dough dipped in oil and rolled in sugar, cocnut, and beans. It tastes somewhat like a donut.
Maybe he thinks this is the secret entrance to Nirvana? 

Thai’s do not eat dog.  If you come to Thailand eventually you will have to deal with dogs.  They can be a serious problem, especially when they form packs like this one.  This is a hazard that you must take seriously if you go beyond the normal tourist boundries in Thailand.
This smiling dog is not my dog.  She is my neighbor’s dog.  I feed her because the neighbor doesn’t feed her ample amounts, in my opinion.  So she hangs out at my house most of the time.  Thai’s refer to their dogs as…  "dog” or “it.”  So I have nicknamed this one 'Baby' because when I come home she whines and whines until I feed her. 

Here's a few pics of the local scenery taken while on various motorcycle trips.

Thai’s take their Buddhism very seriously.  Monks have a rigorous life...
…especially the young ones.
After a tough day of motoring around it’s good to stop forsomething to eat.
   And you don’t have to eat worms or boiled chicken blood if you don’t want to.
Y’all come back now, ya hear!”