OK - We'll start with a typical drive to Doi Sutep. First note that driving in Thailand is opposite that in the US. You are suppossed to keep left. Now note the brown van. It is neither in this lane nor that lane...
...or the other lane.
Sometimes there are compelling reasons to follow the rules.
I have rented this motorbike for a month. It costs $2.75 a day if I rent it for 30 days. The front tire requires air twice daily. I only have to put air in the rear tire once a day.
One of the neighbors had a small gathering for dinner. It was a hot day, so the remedy is to run a sprinkler so you can wet down and cool off as needed. The watering bucket is for dousing your head.
Sooner or later it will rain, which cools things off but adds to the humidity.
The neighbor hosting this dinner is British, and his wife if Burmese. She is an excellant cook. All of the food on the table except the veggies and dip are spicy beyond belief. In Thailand you learn to adjust to spicy food - or wait for dessert.